Avoid These Common Errors Telesales Companies Regularly Make
We receive many calls regarding sales, as we are sure other companies do, and believe it is one of the best forms of multi-channel marketing. However, on occasion telesales, people do pick up bad habits along the way, and we have put together some of the poor sales tactics used by these telesales staff from calls we have received. Read more below to see how you can avoid common telesales marketing mistakes that companies often make. These tips will help you maximise the response from your marketing campaign when using B2B telemarketing data.
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Don’t lie
People will know. We receive many calls where the telesales individual will say that they have spoken to the contact before and/or they will know what it is regarding and have a relationship with the contact. If they get through to the contact, they will be frustrated that the telesales company have lied and been much less likely to carry out a full conversation. So be honest and tell the truth.
Do not eat, drink, mess around, or talk to others whilst you telephone a potential client. The receiving party will quickly lose interest.
Reading from a script.
We understand that some call centres ask their staff to read from a script. However, you should practice making this sound as natural as possible and change your tone and language style from time to time. Often, when a telesales company gives a script to an agent, they can sound robotic. But, as well, you can tell they are reading from a script. Therefore, make the call sound genuine.
People don’t like to be treated like a number on your telemarketing data. It is essential to take the time to get to know your customer. Then discuss your products and services with the client and answer any questions. Rather than trying to get off the telephone as quickly as possible.
Completing the call
There is so much pressure on salespeople these days that a new trend seems to be emerging. This is where once the telesales person knows you are not interested, this leads them to hang up without completing the call. For telesales companies, time is extremely valuable. However, this isn’t polite. This then creates a bad reputation for your company and gives you less opportunity to sell to others in the future. Think about further marketing to be carried out after the sales call. If you followed up with an email campaign, the contact would remember being rude and refusing to do business with you. If you are looking for a telemarketing company to carry out the call, you must double-check this. It is possible to get a call log too.
Above all, please show respect to your prospect. It will make them feel important and valued that you showed an interest in whatever they have to say. This will build rapport. Take these faults on board and learn from them, and then you will be able to launch a fantastic telemarketing campaign.
If you have any questions, feel free to visit our LinkedIn page for further details about our range of services. To enquire, you can either reach out to us via the provided phone number or fill out our contact form.